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Music Schools BC

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The official blog of the British Columbia Association of Community Music Schools

Thursday, November 26, 2009

BC lowest province in Canada in terms of Arts Funding.

Recently released Statistics Canada data regarding government spending on culture in 2006-07 reveals some very interesting analysis. In BC Cities and municipalities are responsible for a greater share of the cultural tab compared to rest of Canada. Compared to the rest of Canada, BC is still dead last in terms of overall government support for the arts. 

From Hill Strategies newsletter:

Statistics Canada recently released a brief overview and data regarding government spending on culture in 2006-07. The data includes direct government support for culture, not tax credits or other indirect instruments. Hill Strategies has analyzed this data for this issue of the Arts Research Monitor.

In 2006-07, governments spent $8.2 billion on culture, excluding transfers between different levels of government. This represents a 5% increase from 2003-04 after adjusting for inflation.

In 2006-07, federal government spending on culture was $3.7 billion (43% of spending by all levels of government), while the provinces and territories spent $2.6 billion (30%) and municipalities $2.4 billion (28%). (The federal, provincial and municipal breakdowns include transfers between governments and therefore do not equal the $8.2 billion total, which is net of transfers.)

The $3.7 billion in federal government spending on culture in 2006-07 was dominated by the broadcasting sector ($1.8 billion, or 47% of federal spending) and heritage organizations, including museums, art galleries, public archives, nature parks and historic sites ($959 million, or 26% of federal spending). The largest portions of the $2.6 billion in provincial spending in 2006-07 went to libraries ($948 million) and heritage organizations ($687 million). Seventy-two percent of total municipal support in 2006 ($1.8 billion of the $2.4 billion total) went to libraries.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Restore cuts in arts, education, Liberals told

VICTORIA — The provincial government should restore funding cuts in arts and education, says a committee of government and Opposition MLAs providing advice for the 2010 provincial budget.
The 10-member committee of Liberal and NDP politicians issued a report Friday with 49 recommendations for the B.C. government as it prepares for its 2010 budget in March.
They unanimously supported restoring funding for arts groups to last year’s level, before millions were cut from gaming grants and the B.C. Arts Council as part of cost-saving efforts in the September budget.

Restore cuts in arts, education, Liberals told
published in the Vancouver Sun,  November 13, 2009


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jeremy Long retires from BC Arts Council

BC Arts Council Executive Director Jeremy Long will retire from the BC Public Service early in the New Year, Council Chair Jane Danzo announced Monday..

“Jeremy Long has served the people of British Columbia for more than 20 years,” Danzo said. “He has been eligible for retirement for the past two years, but chose to stay on to help oversee the completion of the Council’s strategic planning process. He has left us with a strong foundation, and we will continue to build on it for years to come.”

Long joined the Province’s arts and culture division in 1988 and has been involved with the BC Arts Council since its inception, in 1996. He has served as Council Executive Director for the past three years.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Restore Arts Funding Now

From the Alliance for Arts and Culture

Speak out about the cuts to arts and culture  Go here.


Ethics and Nonprofits

Unethical behavior remains a persistent problem in nonprofits and for-profits alike. To help organizations solve that problem, the authors examine the factors that influence moral conduct, the ethical issues that arise specifically in charitable organizations, and the best ways to promote ethical behavior within organizations

Article from Stanford Social Innovation Review: Ethics and Nonprofits

Stanford Social Innovation Review : Articles : Ethics and Nonprofits (May 20, 2009)

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