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Tuba Christmas in Vancouver

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The official blog of the British Columbia Association of Community Music Schools

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tuba Christmas in Vancouver

Saturday December 18th 11am - 1pm
Vancouver Christmas Market (Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza)


You are invited to participate in one of the many TUBACHRISTMAS concerts/events presented throughout the world...

The first TUBACHRISTMAS was conducted by the late Paul Lavalle in New York City's Rockefeller Plaza Ice Rink on Sunday, December 22, 1974. TUBACHRISTMAS was conceived as a tribute to the late artist/teacher William J. Bell, born on Christmas Day, 1902. Through the leg...endary William J. Bell we honor all great artists/teachers whose legacy has given us high performance standards, well structured pedagogy, professional integrity, personal values and a camaraderie envied by all other instrumentalists. Traditional Christmas music performed at the first TUBACHRISTMAS was arranged by American composer Alec Wilder who ironically died on Christmas Eve, 1980. Wilder composed many solo and ensemble compositions for tuba and euphonium. Through Alec Wilder we express our respect and gratitude to all composers who continue to embrace our instruments with their compositions and contribute to the ever growing solo and ensemble repertoire for tuba and euphonium.

This year marks the return of this great tradition to Vancouver, BC!

Participants are required to register and attend the rehearsal the morning of the performance (location TBA soon!).

All participants must pay a $5 fee to be a part of the ensemble. They will then receive a commemorative 2010 Tuba Christmas pin to show they are part of the group.

Registration will begin at 8am, followed as soon as possible with the beginning of rehearsal. We have a lot of music to go over in a short period of time, so being on time is very important to help the entire ensemble achieve it's best possible performance.

Tuba Christmas music may also be purchased at the rehearsal (photo copies are not permitted, everyone must play from official Tuba Christmas music books). Books range from $18 for small books, or $23 for large 8 1/2 x 11.
Music will be available in Bass Clef, as well as Bb & Eb treble clef (large books in bass clef only).

Also available will be a limited supply of official Tuba Christmas toques and scarfs for $15 each!

(checks will only be accepted if a valid drivers license and phone number is provided to write on the check)

The performance will begin around 11am at the Vancouver Christmas Market. This year is the first year for this traditional German style market to be held in Vancouver and is a very fitting location for our Tuba Christmas concert. Please bring all your friends and family to this performance and enjoy the market afterwards!

For questions or requests for more information, please feel free to e-mail vancouvertubachristmas (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thank You, and we look forward to a wonderful new beginning to Tuba Christmas right here in Vancouver!

(PS this should be obvious, but only TUBA, EUPHONIUM, BARITONE, SOUSAPHONE, HELICON players are allowed in the ensemble. No woodwinds, high brass or trombones...sorry!)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi There,

I saw the blog and will definitely attend.
My 9 year old son loves tubaa and is very keen to learn to play.
We live in Richmond BC
Can you recommend a teacher in our area? Please send response to gepaquette@shaw.ca

December 4, 2010 at 12:56 PM

Blogger Unknown said...


Rehearsal Location will be the Beatty Street Armory (Beatty & Dunsmuir) at 8am!

Please be on time to fill out the registration form and get set up as quickly as possible!

December 10, 2010 at 9:22 PM


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